Tuesday 24 March 2009

Do you like my new headshot?

Just reposting to say, I WONT HAVE TO MISS JO'S MEAL!!! He said he'd prefer to do it next Friday anyway -- YAYYY!!!
Heeeeeey, I DID just log on to post :( stop shouting at me, I only just got back from wooooork.
You know whats annoying, everyone STILL watching over me eating (Well not everyone, only parents && grandparents) but you know whats even sillier? Parents making me eat and yet not providing me with any food, the cupboards are BARE.

I have a dilemma.
Obvs, I really desperatly wanna go to Jo's cos like, shes one of my best friends.. But I've just had a offer from a photographer that I love with a concept I love for Friday 6pm onwards (So I wouldnt have to miss school or Fusion) BUT I would have to miss Jo's meal
..Expenses are paid too so I wouldnt have to pay anything..
And yet I could still go to Jo's sleepover just be in really late, but then she'd be super mad (and I'd be super sad) for missing her meal and then expecting to come to the sleepover.

So I messaged the photographer and asked him if he could do the Friday night after and I pray pray pray he say's yes.

Although, I think I'll still go to Jo's regardless hehe. So dont really know what the point of writing this was, just to get it off my chest.
I'm sure everyone talks about me & the shoots behind my back and laughs at me cos like, no one ever says anything about the pictures and whenever I mention anything to do with a shoot, people just laugh. I dont know why its funny, so I've only been mentioning it to Perry -- who also finds it quite funny. So now I'll just keep it to myself I think actually lol.


Especially Music Tech -- Its SO hard, I'm coming to the final few hours of my 60 hour exam, and I'm still not where I should be. I'm rubbish at it, and deffo gonna drop it next year. Mr Struckwick gave us a two hour exam paper to do in our own time as well for the mid week (Can only use the computers in the music room so I cant do it at home so I have to find time in school)

On the plus side, I talked to Fiona about picking up Performing Arts BTEC and she said she thinks it'll be a really good idea, so we'll have to see.


..Apparently I look like Tori Amos. Not a good thing, shes like..a million years old.


Shar never posts on this anymore and it's annoying me. Shar, if you read this you better post soon or i'll chucking you out of the world of little dorrit and everything else. No love and lashes for you, kk?
I've been sooooooooooo busy with school work this week it annoys me. I haven't LJ'd in ages and I only twitter sporadically. Can you believe it? I'm falling out of my online social life because of school work :(
I can't believe stupid Mazoneigh sent shar and I home 'cos she didn't need us last night, how rude. We did stay at mine and watch the house bunny though. (Which happens to one of my favourite films, ha.) So yeah, Shar finally got to enter the world of house bunny-ness and Anna Faris amazingnss.
'Wash those cars you sexy bitches, they are filthy and so are you!!' Oh dear, I could probably recite the whole film.
Sharrrr hurry up and post.

- Perry (your fave blogger, not Shar.) xo

Friday 20 March 2009

I keep forgetting Shar and I have this. I mean, I haven't updated any of my blogs in so long 'cos i've been major busy. But I did update this a few days ago. Hm.
Shar and I properly went through our duologue today and I must say I was impressed and we've basically learnt and blocked half of it already. Just working on character developing now, i'm so excited. Beats the stupid monologues we were gonna do.
I still have a mild dilemma about this weekend and I need to buy something to wear regardless of where I go hmm.
Oh and I dunno what to wear to Hannah's houseparty tomorrow and I need to go mother's day shopping tomorrow too, with Helen and my cool aunt Trina! Excitement.


Monday 16 March 2009

I am soooo excited for the easter holidays. I think it's gonna be like a foreshadowing of how amazing summer is going to be. Hopefully summer will bring along a last minute cheapo holiday to somewhere hot for Shar and I.
I'm also excited about seeing Dorrit and SA again over easter too, woo.

I'm also talking to ST right now and it makes me feel very good about myself. *smug*

Perry xo

Sunday 15 March 2009

The last few days I have just been on the biggest Weeds kick ever.
Like, for serious. I watched Series one in like a day and a half and have ordered two and three. Then there's the wait for series four to come out here, oh the stress.

Lovely day in Peterborough with Shar for the vintage modelling thing, even if she was less than pleased. The people were very nice. [bar somebody lol!!] and it was just great fun. Lauren and Yazz were very sweet.

In other news, I'm so bored and made a weeds wallpaper I'm like, in lust with. Je suis tres...proud?!

Hope everyone else is good. [Even though hardly nobody ever comments, uh hello, hint??]

Perry xo

Thursday 12 March 2009

You know whats not fun.
Feeling ill.

What else isnt fun?
When you feel ill and faint.

And then when you faint people assume you're anorexic and havent eaten for years.
Not fun at all.

I've been moved forms to one where the teachers daughter had anorexia so she could 'help me through this' I was like.. help me through what? I eat like a horse.

I'm tired.
And have to pack for the weekend and tomorrow night!

I have a photoshoot on Saturday, I'm so excited. I hope it goes well, its vintage clothing at a train station. It could either go well or awful. I dunno. With my skin the way it is at the moment, the latter is pushing forward. We'll have to see.

I cant wait to tell my tearooms job that I'm quitting, it will be such a weight off my shoulders!

..I'm knackerrrreeeed.

Sunday 8 March 2009

Dear Shar,

Why haven't you blogged today?

Yours sincerely,

Saturday 7 March 2009

Actually stunning. Wow.

Yesterday was made of utter win.
Spring Awakening onstage wins. I loved my seats too, even if they weren't next to the person I primarily wanted to go onstage for. But he was infront, so it's all good.
There was this woman on the tube to Hammersmith who kept closing her eyes (sleeping?) and wobbling her head around like a crazy lady. Then while we were in hysterics laughing, she yawned while wobbling her head and her mouth was like the size of a tunnel and she was shaking her head around and it was just killer.
Staying around after the show was good, too. And we didn't even miss our train.
Shar just loves to share lockers btw ;) Everyone try it with her, she just loves it.
Oh and I got a ghetto fabulous hat and Shar's sexy dress isn't right. bleurf.

But yes, very amazing day indeed. :)

Thursday 5 March 2009

Even though I'm quite happy -- I'm SICK of being excluded from my so called friend group! I never get told anything anymore, or invited anywhere with them. Its rubbish. I hate being in the form I am, and I wish I was in miss K's so that I could be closer to my old best friends. :(
I found out that the jacket I brought today still had the security tag on it, so mum ripped it out and sewed up the hole and tada, good as new. Also brought some new boots and tights :) Now I'm poor again lol.

I have so much to do, shower and get my hair ready -- Do my big fat pile of English work, I'm not even worried about what the teacher will say -- its what Perry will say to me. Nag me for doing a lesson less than him and having 'A million jobs' ;) And pack for the weekend and shiz.. argh.

Wednesday 4 March 2009

No wonder I'm poor. I keep spending my money on meals out and shit.. It was really nice night though. If only I didnt have work again :(

My boss said its cool to use the pool for the underwater shoot, so thats all go. And I've been asked to go to Peterborough for a shoot, paid expenses, MUA and hair stylist gonna be there. Gonna be a vintage shoot apparently, I hope they're providing the clothes hehe. Perry, you can come and chill out with Charlotte Beechey Corder all day :D

Gah, I feel major rough... dunno if its the Jacket potato I just ate. Hope I feel better for SA on Friday.

Tuesday 3 March 2009

Today has been cuh-razy. I could tell this from the moment I opened my kit-kat and realised it had no biscuit in it, nope. Just pure chocolate. I think this was foreshadowing a crazy day.
Then in Drama I got given Assasins (Shar's fave show btw xx) to read through for a monologue, I pretended to have a read through but really just sang Unworthy of your Love several times and then gave it back protesting I couldn't find anything. I'm perfectly happy with my Bobby from ACL monologue thank yoooou.
I can't really think of anything else crazy that happened really.
Oh yeah, drama with Mazet this afternoon with that mirroring thing (you know when partner A - Shar - has to do something and B - me - mirrors it? yeah?) Anyway. It was hilarious.
and Mazet got herself singing again lololol! Too funny.


Good luck to Britney for opening the tour in New Orleans tonight. I'm soooo excited for her, and for me... in June....

-- Perry xo
We're gonna advertise this blog major, honestly.
I HAVE TO GO TO WORK FOR 5 HOURS meeeeeeeh. I'm knackered already and have work to catch up on.
Today was good. I HATE form, I never go, so on Tuesday mornings theres like 1 person in the social area because everyone has gone to their lovely forms and lovely form tutors. ;(
We then had drama, does anyone know any good monologue that are very dramatic and from a play? I'm desperate.

'I am, nothing'

Then had to review people to take the position of head of music..for two hours.. that was boring. I hope mr Strudwick gets it. Cos I have him for music tech and he's lovely.
Then I had my vocal group rehersal, we're doing Heart and music from A New Brain, Song of Purple Summer from SA and All Girl Band from My name Is Alice. We have a competition on Sunday and we're no where ready and half our group is stranded in New York because of the blizzards..:( meh.
Drama again.. Which was funny. And English..which I'm crap at.


Monday 2 March 2009

YAY!! Our first follower. I just want to say a MASSIVE thank you to Jess Siswick and anyone else who decides to follow us.

We will be the next Perez Hilton or something.

I am having a Britney tour information overload. As lots and lots of people (lol) know I am seeing Britney June 4th and it's like every Christmas come true, ever.
Today, the official set-list has been released aswell as footage of the rehearsals.
The setlist is actually fucking stunning, a few old-old Britney songs, aswell as copius amounts of Blackout stuff, and then the obvious Circus stuff too.
Oh my day's, and the sections are amazing. I love the idea of the Freakshow/Peepshow. Ver sexy, Brit.
3 Months and 2 Days, bitches.



Britney's biggest fan. (Perry btw.)
So, I have major excitement for friday. Finally sitting onstage for SA. I mean, our last seats were good but these seats are going to be even more amazing. Possibly because they're next to a certain cast member, eh eh!!
I have just dyed my hair, and it's no longer scuzzy i-hate-it red, but now a really nice dark, dark brown colour. It's verging on black but it's not as dramatic as black, and is alot nicer.

I'm way jealous of Shar seeing Confessions of a shopaholic last night, because I totes want to see it and haven't yet had the chance. :(

Oh, and I'd just like to say Happy Birthday Sue.

-- Perry xo
Soo, the excitement has worn off from booking tickets although I'm still looking forward to Friday.
Cos tonight is my night off, I have so much work to dooooooooo!
Imma hit the gym and then do my drama work.

..And I'm starving.
English today was SOOO funny, I love mrs Cottington shes hilarious.

:D :D

Ok, this is SERIOUS.
I was on hold for literally half an hour, but its ok because WE GOT TICKETS!!!! The lady on the phone was lovely and was like 'Dont wear bright colours, dont wear over patterened clothes, your stuff will go in a locker, you need to arrive early blah blah blah' I'M SO HAPPY.
This is a great week cos so far, we've got free tickets to show, and I got accepted onto a professional modelling site --

Check it out!!! And from being accepted for a day, I've already got a couple of comments on my page/pictures and an someone asking if I can go down to Suffolk to do a shoot with them, yay!!

Minus work, I had a really good weekend too. I didnt see Perry :( But on Saturday night, Jake came to mine and we watched Grey Anatomy and ordered in Chinese, and yesterday after work we went and saw 'Confessions of a Shopaholic' which was really great and funny and then we grabbed something to eat :)

This is a good start to the week, I'm super excited for Friday..
..Not excited for today later though, cos although I have two frees this morning and I can lie in until 11am, I also have dance followed by double English and choir after school - snore.
